1 هوافضا:: حباب ورقهای
In flight, or in a low-turbulence wind tunnel, boundary- layer transition may be accompanied by a laminar bubble, with associated drag increase. Freeslream turbulence in a general-purpose wind tunnel can trigger boundary-layer transition, inhibiting formation of the laminar bubble (see also Fig. 24). It is possible to prevent the formation of a laminar bubble by bonding "turbulators" such as small pieces of bent wire, "zig-zag", "bump", or "dimple" tape, or installing pneumatic turbulators directly ahead of the transition point (Fig. 194). In the area or airfoil development, the two most difficult technical challenges (and sources of headaches for the aerodynamicist) remain the prevention of laminar bubbles and the minimization of the effects of insect contamination.
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